Self-Affirmations For Issues On Mental Health


pink and green ugly dolls in the movie self affirming themselves

I watched the movie Ugly Dolls a little while back. Yes, I know it is for kids. No, I have no children of my own or nephews and nieces who begged me to watch it with them. But I felt intrigued after seeing the characters on the poster, so I went to the cinema just for it.

When the movie was already playing, I thought, “I would have missed out on such an incredible work of art if I didn’t do this.” Beyond the beautiful animation and songs was a storyline that more adults than children could relate to. It was full of positive thoughts, self affirmations and positive thinking.

(Note: Spoilers are coming up.)

For one, Ugly Dolls was about a group of defective plush toys that lived in Uglyville. Once they found a passage that might realize their dreams of being owned by a child, they went in despite others’ discouragement.

The dolls also faced the fact that the perfect ones were often sent to the real world, but it didn’t stop them from trying. No negative thoughts were going to bring them down as they have super strong self affirmations to shield any mental health issues!

Although the movie had a happy ending for the not-so-gorgeous dolls, I still felt a lingering sadness even when I went back home. What they experienced was no different from what many people dealt with all their lives.

We had been told that we couldn’t do something because of our complexion, height, body type, etc. The more we heard the same thing, the more we believed that, thus giving us mental health issues. How could we improve mental health? Through self affirmation practice.

But I say that that’s enough. With these self affirmations on mental health issues won’t be as big of a problem. You will reap positive benefits in your daily life such as positive mental health. Your own happiness and stress management are invaluable.

psychological health

I Worked Hard For Everything I Have

Folks with low self-confidence and no self affirmations tend to feel ashamed of splurging or buying whatever they want because their friends or family members might comment unkindly about it. And if they ended up doing that, they tried hard to hide their mental health issues from others, worrying that they would become the talk of the town.

Well, letting other people dictate what you should do with your money is crazy. They are not your spouse, and you are not spending their dollars, so who are they to rule your life?

You need to come to terms with the fact that not everyone will be happy for your success. With their negative thinking and self affirmations mental health issues, it is easy for them to label everything you do negatively because that’s the only way for them to feel happiness.

So, next time, focus on positive affirmations for mental health and be proud of what you have since you have worked hard to get it. Focus on the positive aspects of your life, and watch out for negative self talk and mental health affirmations, too.


I Am Strong Enough To Avoid Depending On Others

Dependent individuals are those who cannot make the best decisions for themselves on their own on a daily basis. They don’t ask for money or other favors, but their self-esteem is so low, and their health affirmations affirmations are non existent that they find it impossible to do things without others’ approval.

As previously said, that is a mental health problem because you are effectively giving up the reins to your life by valuing other people’s opinions more than your own self talk and self affirmation. You should look at yourself clearly in the mirror to see that you are not a weakling at all. Remember these positive daily self affirmations for your mental health issues: you have a job, you pay your bills on time, and you don’t walk all over the folks around you. Hence, you are strong enough to stop depending on others. Live a day without worries and fears, but only positive energy. Note that positive affirmations or positive thinking address negative thoughts.


I Don’t Need Anyone Who Can’t Accept Who I Am

Affirmations work if you only let positive energy into your life. A lot of people in awful relationships stay in it for fear of being alone forever. Some get angry when their partner beats them up, but they crawl back into the arms of the abuser, hoping that they will eventually change. Others have been cheated on so many times that they merely turn a blind eye, build their personal boundaries, and wait for their partner’s frolicking days to be over.

In truth, doing any of that is a recipe for self-destruction. After experiencing such things for the first time, you should have already left. Remember: if a person has tried committing abuse or infidelity, they will probably do it again later. That’s especially true if they know that you will always take them back.

Develop some self worth and self-respect – you don’t need anyone who cannot cherish and accept who you are.


It Is Okay Not To Hide My Feelings, Good Or Bad

Depression is one of the mental health conditions that begin when you cannot let your feelings spill out in the open. As gross as it sounds, it is comparable to a zit that digs deeper underneath your skin when you push it down. You tend to only think of consulting a mental health doctor when it’s already inflamed and affecting your relationships.

The reality is that positive mental health relies on not hiding how you feel, regardless if it’s loveable or hateful. Negative emotions and mental health are part of daily life. You don’t have to consider everyone’s feelings all the time either, even if that may be the norm. Sometimes, people need to hear awful things as a wake-up call. Doing so will also help reduce your troubles, increase problem solving skills, and improve your positive mental state. So it’s fantastic.

Final Thoughts

Life won’t ever be full of daisies and unicorns, especially when you don’t exemplify the standard of beauty that others have set. Despite that, why should you allow that to dampen your happiness and limit the things that you want to do?

Recite these positive mental health self affirmations above every day to feel calm and keep mental health issues at bay. These self affirmations work! Cheers to your mental health affirmation to avoid anymore mental health issues!

Self Affirmations Mental Health FAQs

What is the impact of self-affirmation on health behavior change?

How self-affirmations reduce the impact of threat to our self concept?

Can self-affirmation training relieve negative emotions by improving self-integrity among older adults?

Why do you think affirmation is important with regards to having healthy self-esteem?

What are the effects of health behaviors to one’s daily performance reflection?

How to change your mind and your life by using daily positive affirmations?

Does self-affirmation increase self-esteem?

Is self-affirmation a coping mechanism?

What does self-affirmation theory suggest about people becoming less defensive?

How does self-affirmation relate to resilience?

How does affirmation build our own self identity?