Signs That A Divorce Is A Must

There’s no ignoring the fact that some marriages need to end due to severe complications and arguments. It may sound devastating, and the process may take a while, but there’s always a basis why you should consider it an option. As what Suzanne Degges-White Ph.D. said, “If you have reached the point at which you truly believe that there is little hope that a fractured friendship or ruptured romance can be repaired, it is important to maintain your resolve and terminate the relationship for good.When your marriage is no longer contributing to your overall development, then that’s the time that you have to set your priorities straight. So how can you figure out when your marriage needs to end? Here are some of the few signs.



You Don’t Need Him – There’s a big difference when you want to be alone compared to the “you don’t need him” moments. If you fancy being on your

own rather than spending time with your spouse, then you should first determine the reason why you suddenly lose that interest in your significant other. It will either mean that you no longer require their company and you need to change your priorities that will no longer make him a part of it.

His Touch Becomes Uncomfortable – When you are in a relationship, there’s no greater feeling than to have your partner caresses you. However, when those moments make you feel uncomfortable, it probably means that you no longer have that physical connection you once had. There’s no romance anymore, and you become less passionate about having sex. In other words, the issues of your marital problems are proven to be successful in tripping you apart.



Hard Time Staying Faithful – When you and your partner start to think about not working your issues, we can assume that there’s a chance that one of you is committing infidelity. Though not all marital problems result in cheating, there is still a considerable probability that either you or your partner is having an affair. Emotional affairs can even be more damaging than sexual ones,” said Christine Hammond, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Therefore, it is most likely fair to state that unfaithfulness is a sign that one of you is no longer interested in reassuring your marriage.

Your Future Is Fading – When your relationship means a lot to you, you always secure a future with your partner. However, when you finally decide that your reality has something to do with one-sided benefits, then the marriage has begun to fail from there. Disregarding your spouse and focusing on your personal growth is not a sign of a healthy marriage. So before you end up having tons of complaints and hurting each other, better consider filing for divorce.

You Don’t Care Anymore – it is probably the most common sign that might tell you that you need a divorce. The things that upset you before don’t bother you anymore, and that’s because you are already emotionally detached from your spouse. You don’t get jealous, don’t feel pressured, not interested in what he does, don’t get hurt – just nothing at all.



Counseling Doesn’t Work – When you try to fix things between you and your spouse through counseling and find it hard to assess the issues even if there’s quite some help already, then it is time that you have to consider calling it quits. It is the stage where it determines that you probably showed immense effort in trying to solve the marital issues you have but unfortunately failed in the process. You might want to enumerate possible reasons why you can never stay as married couples to any further extent.

You probably experienced almost all of these signs. However, before you make any conclusions, ask yourself first if you should get a divorce because you don’t like to regret things by making a decision that will soon affect your future. Because as what Michelle Farris, a licensed marriage and family therapist said, “Divorce is one of the most stressful events anyone can ever experience.