Things To Know Before Going To An Addiction Treatment Center

Accepting that you have a parent, brother, sister, or another family member who suffers from substance abuse is not easy. According to Steven Gifford, LICDC, LPC, “For family and friends of drug- or alcohol-addicted individuals, addressing the addiction is one of the most difficult aspects of helping the addicted person seek treatment.” It tends to make you think as if you had failed to support them when they needed you. Hence, they resorted to depending on alcohol, drugs, gambling, and more addictive stuff to feel alive.


The good thing is that getting help from any addiction treatment center in the world has changed dramatically over the years. “Recovery from addiction is more than possible, but requires a person’s strong commitment to change,” said John M. Grohol, Psy.D. If going to this kind of institution used to carry a stigma, it is no longer a taboo to enter such a facility. In truth, many praise individuals who are not afraid to say that they need help and sign up for rehab themselves. They deserve to be given credit for wanting to turn their life around, become a productive person once more, and leave their addiction in the past.

Nevertheless, before you take your family member to an addiction treatment facility, here are a few things to understand regarding their problem.


How Addiction Starts

Addiction can be rooted back to substance abuse. Abuse = abnormal + use. When you are a first-time user of the drugs or alcohol, for instance, the chemicals trigger certain parts of your brain that contribute to mood changes. In a sense, they make you feel happy even at small dosages.

The issue with overusing such substances, though, is that your body tends to adapt or get immuned to its effects. That’s the reason why you may want to keep on increasing the doses you take feel ‘high.’ You might do it until you become dependent on the material without realizing it.

Causes Of Addiction

Several factors can push an individual to rely on drugs, sex, gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, et cetera. The old belief is that it is due to a person’s lack of strong will to say no to temptation. Others used to think that the folks who develop addiction turn out that way because they don’t have respect for their lives, their body, and the people around them. It is only recently when studies revealed that it is a likely “brain disease” that enables individuals to do harmful things regardless of the consequences.


While more researches need to be conducted to pinpoint the real causes of addiction, it is no secret that peer pressure and genetics may have a hand at the matter. Folks who want to belong to a specific group tend to agree to try something dangerous, you see. The kids who grew up watching their parents or guardians engage in addictive activities have a great chance of adopting the same behavior as well.

Can Addiction Treatment Centers Help?

Simply put, they can. None of the facility’s personnel will force you to sit down or stay in the facility if you do not want to. Some people fear that they will be more miserable when they go to rehab, but it is far from reality.

Still, you have to help them help you. It is like when there are two of you on a boat, and the oars are fixed on both ends. If only one person is rowing, and the other is too busy taking selfies to at least hold the paddles beside them, then you will both be in the middle of a lake or ocean for hours. After all, that boat will not move much with just one rider doing all the work.


What To Expect From Rehab

The treatment begins with naturally removing the substance in the person’s body. Then, the patient will get assessed for depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses, which often co-morbid with addiction (more information available in sites like and Once their true condition becomes clear, they can meet counseling professional.

Medications may or may not be used throughout the whole process. The decision to prescribe pills to the patient depends on how difficult it is for them to endure the withdrawal stage. Some individuals cannot receive drug treatment, though, especially if they entered the facility due to substance abuse.


Furthermore, there are cases in which the patient may sign up for an inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation program. The former means that they need to remain at the center for a fixed amount of time, while the latter entails that they only have to go there a few times a week. According to Kathleen Smith, PhD, LPC, “Many people find that intensive outpatient or inpatient treatment is necessary to curb addiction and learn healthy coping strategies for depression.” After the treatment, the counselor may ask them to come back for follow-up checkups to avoid setbacks.

How Much Rehab Costs

Rehabilitation programs cost a few thousands of dollars, depending on the number of days you sign up to. The usual programs last from 30 to 90 days. Generally, patients who wish to stay in the center pay more than the outpatients. Hence, whether it is you or a loved one who has to get help from an addiction treatment center, you need to consider getting the support of a trustworthy insurance company that can share your expenses.


Final Thoughts

Your family member can let go of addiction – it is not impossible. They merely need to open up to themselves and to the people who can assist them in doing so.

Go through the things mentioned above before heading to an addiction treatment center. Good luck!