Consider These Affirmations For Mental Health

It’s something beneficial for us that discussions regarding mental health have become more and more prevalent in the past few years. The stigma associated with mental health is fading. Unfortunately, issues about mental health are crucial, and it also needs to include solutions.


Yes, there is no escaping stress, and probably, our anxiety and other mental health issues are the ones we often think about. That’s because we are part of a society that has this standard that we cannot fully understand. It is as if there’s a constant buildup of gaps and barriers that we all want to claim as relevant in our lives. With all the pressure and desires we put on the table, we often forget to see what truly matters – our self-worth.

In this article, we will look at the effects of affirmations for mental health; how affirmations can help prevent negative self-talk and promote a positive mindset.

What Is Holding Us Back?

Our lack of confidence and constant self-loathing is the reason why we can’t seem to find peace and happiness in our lives. Admittedly, we know that overthinking, complaining, and negative thoughts are detrimental our health, but we can’t seem to stop. We are bound with the mentality that we are not perfect while everyone is constantly showing their flawless lives. We don’t want to become part of that circle where we are irrelevant, and we don’t want to feel that we don’t belong. With that negative thinking, we punish ourselves for being different.

We get rough and cruel to ourselves when our mental health is struggling. Our words are like cold, sharp knives stabbing us from within, thinking we are not worthy of love. But this should stop!

We must realize that there is something special in being unique, and for that, we should be grateful because that is the one factor that completely defines who we are. As our minds heal, we become gentle, empathetic, and cautious with the messages we tell ourselves. Thus, we must concentrate more on self-affirmations. These positive mental health affirmations can help us see and appreciate the positive aspects in daily life, promoting well-being and self-confidence.

Consider These Self-Affirmations For The Sake Of Our Mental Health

“I Am In Control” 

Truly, we can’t have it all. But when we focus on our capabilities, we become aware of our strengths and weaknesses. Once we establish a core boundary of what we want to and what we don’t, we become in control. We become aware of what truly matters in our lives and begin to work on achieving the best things. POsitive mental health affirmations like this can help us have a lighter outlook.

“I Will Get Through Today.” 

Sadly, some of us can’t resist the temptation of constantly thinking about negativities due to stressful events in our lives. That’s okay. It sometimes happens. However, it is important that we get up on our feet and choose to move forward and think about getting through, even just for a day. With that, we have to stick to positive daily affirmations like this.

“I Give Myself Permission To Feel This Way Without Judgment.” 

Yes, our ability to understand our emotions is one valuable asset that we should develop and continue to nurture. When we know what we are going through and understand our emotions well, we become aware of our responses and express our thoughts. We become open about our feelings and fight for their validation. This positive outlook helps us understand that we will overcome, helping improve mental health and foster positive feelings.

“It’s Okay. Everything Will Be Fine.” 

It is definitely one of the best daily affirmations that we need to stick with if we want to get rid of the anxiety that keeps lurking in our subconscious minds. Thinking about positive outcomes despite negative situations is always our best chance of obtaining happy and fulfilled lives. Of course, not everything will go our way, and we might deal with a lot of shit along the way. However, in the end, everything will always be fine. This positive mindset can be your mental health affirmation for self-esteem and self-care.

“I Am Strong And Ready For Change.” 

We might not get that mental and emotional strength due to the constant life struggle we often deal with, but knowing we are strong and ready for a change is something we should hold onto. It will help us navigate through the darkest days and motivate us to carry on despite the many challenges we face. We may not have the kind of strength we think we need; we can always build it from scratch. And yes, say this in the present tense. It’s important to own affirmations like this to promote positive changes in your outlook.


“I Am More Than My Thoughts” 

The idea of self-affirmation has a lot to do with our ability to convince ourselves that we are more than our thoughts and that we are capable of handling them the way we should have. Keeping this in mind will provide us with enough mental strength to fight for our dreams and aspirations. We have to concentrate and be mindful of what we think about ourselves because it becomes our reality, promoting positive well-being in the process.

“I Am Grateful For All The Blessings In My Life, Big And Small.”

It is not easy to distract ourselves from mental and emotional distress because they are part of our lives. However, when we shift our focus on the good things around us, we become more powerful than those emotional and mental struggles. Thus, it is vital to look around and appreciate the beauty of the things we have instead of constantly wanting the things that do not truly matter.

“I Am Deserving Of Love, Respect, And Healthy Relationships.” 

We are all worthy of true love, and we should always remember that. Despite the circumstances we can’t control, we must tell ourselves that we are worthy to be given affection, hugged, cared for, and part of someone else’s life. We deserve to be loved as much as we love others. We deserve to be treated equally with respect and appreciation. We deserve healthy relationships with positive and supportive people.

“I Am Grateful For My Body And Treat It With Love And Care.”

It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves. We have to be thankful for our body, knowing that every part of it functions well. We have to accept our flaws and make a great relationship with our skin type, height, shape, etc. We need this because we have to accept ourselves for who we are. This affirmation can teach us that our imperfections are the best things that we can be proud of.

“I Can Overcome My Fears.”

Since it is common to feel anxious and worried about the things we know nothing about, it is essential to keep a positive outlook towards our capabilities. We need this affirmation to balance out and reduce our fears because the only way we can counter them is by not letting them get in the way. We have to understand that our fears are only limited to the information we feed them. So when we don’t let it grow, we control it. Self-affirmation practice can help you do just that.


“My Happiness Is Up To Me.”

The true meaning of happiness lies in our ability to know what it means for us. Holding on to this affirmation can bring us genuine joy because it can help us focus more on our ideals and preferences when it comes to true happiness because we know we are the only ones who hold the key to it. Our happiness might not be the same as others, but we will know if it is truly what we want.

“I Forgive Myself For Any Past Mistakes And Focus On The Present Moment.”

It is significant to realize that we are not perfect and we make mistakes. But it shouldn’t have to be the reason for our mental and emotional distress. Instead of constantly thinking about the past, we must look forward to the future and treat our mistakes as teachers who teach us life lessons. We have to forgive ourselves and be kind to it.

“I Am Deserving Of Healthy Boundaries.”

This affirmation can help us think about ourselves as we deal with other people. It is important that we understand the essence of distancing from toxic individuals who constantly hurt us and make us feel bad about ourselves because that is the only way we can stay at peace. We need this affirmation to become socially aware and help us grow as an individual.

“My Self-Worth Is Not Dependent On External Validation Or Approval.”

We should always hold on to this affirmation as it gives us the power to appreciate ourselves even more. It allows self-growth as we stop relying on the norms or unpredictable societal standards. Our self-worth matters, so there is no need to seek validation from other people because we know ourselves more than they do.

“I Have The Power To Create The Life I Desire.”

This affirmation should always be on our list because this holds the future for us. How we achieve things in life depends on how we look at them. So when we focus more on our power to create the kind of life we want, the more we attract positivity. This affirmation will remind us that we always have a choice no matter what we do.


Self-affirmation practices positively affect psychological well-being by eliminating self-doubt and changing negative ideas and behaviors into constructive ones. A regular affirmation habit can be tough to stick with at first because negative emotions like self-doubt and sadness could make it hard to hold onto the hope that things will ever improve. However, over time, positive ideas and emotions can firmly establish themselves in our subconscious, and we may learn that we respond favorably to situations that might be challenging.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do Affirmations Help mental health?

What is a positive statement for mental health?
What top 3 affirmations are you going to start using?
What is the best daily affirmations?
How affirmations help the brain?
What is emotional affirmation?
What are positive affirmations?
Can affirmations rewire your brain?
How do I give myself positive affirmations?
What is the most powerful word of affirmation?
What are 3 quotes of affirmation?
Do positive affirmations really work?
Why are affirmations so powerful?
How do you reprogram your mind thoughts?
Can affirmations change your life?